Creapure® plays a central role in the transport and storage of energy in every human body cell. In an adult's body, about 80 to 130 grams of this natural bodily substance are found. However, as the body daily digests and excretes about one to two percent of it, it is also necessary to replenish the stock of creatine regularly. As part can be synthesized by different organs, the rest must be absorbed through food. The following applies: creatine is contained in relevant quantities only in meat and fish, but not in vegetables or dairy products.
Muscles and strength are developed and built by exercise. While exercising, the muscles are in action and perform working tasks, for which energy is needed. This energy is extracted from carbohydrates and fats, and made available to the muscle cells through various metabolic processes. Creatine and its energetic form creatine phosphate play an important role in this energy supply, especially when the muscle is brought into action after resting and when a higher amount of energy needs to be made available in a short time.
Creatine is a bodily substance formed in the livers and kidneys from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatine and creatine phosphate play an important role in the supply of energy to the body. Since the 1990s, many athletes and scientists have found creatine in the form of creatine monohydrate to be the most effective dietary supplement for improving and increasing exercise levels, muscle strength, and fat-free body mass. Athletes across many disciplines – including cycling, sprinting, swimming and soccer – have taken creatine over many years with excellent results.
Creatine is classified as a so-called A category supplement by various sports organizations such as the Australian Institute of Sport, the Swiss Olympic board and the Swiss Sports Nutrition Society. This means that the performance-enhancing effect of creatine intake is recognized and supported in certain situations.