Felix Städele


Calisthenics is all about learning new skills. You usually have clear goals, but it takes time and energy to achieve them. It’s those days when you’re first able to perform a new skill that make it all worth it. All the hard work finally pays off. You reach a new level and can face your next challenge, to learn an even harder skill. This process is never ending; there’s always another, even more difficult trick. That’s what I find so intriguing about the sport. In Calisthenics, you don’t train to look good naked, you train to acquire new skills. Getting a strong, good-looking body will happen naturally.

You can do Calisthenics practically anywhere, because you don’t need any specific equipment. It’s easy to repurpose rails and scaffolds as your PullUp bar and create your new training spot. I usually have very long and exhausting training days. Creapure® provides me with the extra energy to become stronger and to achieve my goals. When getting ready for competition, Creapure® is an essential part of my preparation. It helps me to become stronger and to optimize recovery.

Felix Städele

Birthday: 06.09.1991
Discipline: Calisthenics
  • Bavarian Calisthenics Champion 2017
  • Calisthenics Trainer
  • Germany Calisthenics Workshops