Zhao Xiaofeng

“A minha maior paixão é ajudar os atletas a tornarem o seu sonho realidade. O sonho de ser campeão.”

Sou instrutor de desempenho energético e trabalho para a Equipe chinesa como Especialista em Rendimento esportivo. Trabalhei com a Equipe chinesa nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2012 em Londres. Em 2014, em Sochi e, em 2016, no Rio de Janeiro. Atualmente, estou trabalhando com os atletas chineses para os Jogos Olímpicos de 2020 em Tóquio.

Eu ajudo os membros da equipe chinesa a se prepararem em diversos esportes, como Ginástica, Patinação artística, Badminton e Natação. Eu os ajudo com o treino de energia e aconselhamento em nutrição esportiva para atingir o melhor potencial nas grandes competições internacionais.


Introduce yourself briefly.

Introduce yourself briefly.

I was born in the Jilin province of China and got a master degree from Sports Institute of Dongbei Normal University. I started my sports career in 2004 and have been working for the Chinese national team as sports performance expert since 2011.

When was your first contact with sport in general?

When was your first contact with sport in general?

My father encouraged me to go running with him in the mornings when I was a little boy. I liked it and it made me strong.

How did it progress?

How did it progress?

Growing up, I exercised almost every day and I read exercise science papers for professional information. After high school, I got into Jilin Sports Institute bachelor program for exercise science and training.

What are you specialized in now and why?

What are you specialized in now and why?

I am specialized in exercise and performance training and I have professional education background with actual experience. I might not be the best athlete myself, but I can make other athletes the best!

What are your goals for the future?

What are your goals for the future?

I am working for the Chinese national team. In the future, I hope more athletes can get gold medals in the Olympic Games with my help.

Describe the feelings of a good day out.

Describe the feelings of a good day out.

Every small step forward and progression in my work makes me feel satisfied.

Describe the feelings of a perfect sport day.

Describe the feelings of a perfect sport day.

A perfect sport day must consist of the “body being exhausted and the mind being excited”!

Describe the feelings of being “in the zone”

Describe the feelings of being “in the zone”

The feeling of being “in the zone” for me is that I can control and makes progress after every training session.

Being outside, what is you connection to nature?

Being outside, what is you connection to nature?

I like to take my wife and children to the mountains for camping. We go running, fishing or swimming outside. Skiing in the winter is my personal and my children’s favorite.

Tell us a little bit about your work/daily life

Tell us a little bit about your work/daily life

I have been exercising and training 5-6 days a week for nearly 20 years. In my spare time, I like to to be with my children.

How did you get there?

How did you get there?

My passion and my persistence supported me to get there.

Do you see any connections between your work/passion and the sport you are doing?

Do you see any connections between your work/passion and the sport you are doing?

My personal passion for sports makes me more credible for my coaching work. I can relate to my athletes.

Is there any vice versa benefit?

Is there any vice versa benefit?

Success at my job makes me even more passionate about sports.

How did you get in contact with Creapure®?

How did you get in contact with Creapure®?

As a professional coach, it’s my job to be familiar with different sports nutrition supplements. Products with the Creapure® Logo have always been the best.

How do you use it? In general and in detail?

How do you use it? In general and in detail?

I take it 3g/day, dissolved in 200ml water, 30 minutes before exercise.

Why do you use it?

Why do you use it?

Creapure® can help to achieve rapid results by decreased recovery times, especially for high intensity training.

What’s so special about Creapure®?

What’s so special about Creapure®?

German-made Creapure® is the purest creatine and without any safety concerns.

What are the main benefits for you?

What are the main benefits for you?

Working with Creapure® makes my coaching/training work more efficient.

What do you think about Creapure® from your athletes POV?

What do you think about Creapure® from your athletes POV?

Creapure® is the most effective and safest sports nutrition supplement.

Zhao Xiaofeng

Nascimento: 04.05.1981
Modalidade: Especialista em Desempenho Esportivo
  • Instrutor de Desempenho energético da Equipe Chinesa

  • Jogos Olímpicos 2012 em Londres

  • Jogos Olímpicos 2014 em Sochi

  • Jogos Olímpicos 2016 no Rio de Janeiro

  • Jogos Olímpicos 2020 em Tóquio