Creapure® se somete a estrictos controles de calidad.
Cada lote de Creapure® se prueba para garantizar la pureza antes de salir de fábrica. Creapure® se encuentra en la Cologne List®. Esto quiere decir que se prueba regularmente en el laboratorio Olympiastützpunkt Rheinland en Alemania para comprobar que no presenta contaminación por esteroides o estimulantes.
Hay varias formas de fabricar creatina comercialmente. Alzchem Trostberg GmbH utiliza un proceso a partir de sarcosinato y cianamida. Este método de producción se considera el mejor y el más seguro. De este modo, Alzchem Trostberg GmbH minimiza el riesgo de que la creatina producida contenga dos productos secundarios no deseados: diciandiamida (DCD) y dihidrotriazina (DHT). La creatina pura no puede contener más de unas cuantas decenas de partes por millón (ppm) de DCD y DHT no detectable, que es potencialmente dañino. Este es el caso de Creapure®.
La descomposición de creatina durante la fabricación o almacenamiento puede producir creatinina. Se han obtenido niveles superiores al uno por cien en algunas muestras de creatina comercial. En algunas muestras de creatina adquiridas aleatoriamente dentro de la competencia, se detectó una parte superior al uno por cien. En productos de la competencia, la creatinina no es peligrosa pero no ofrece beneficios de rendimiento e indica una fabricación descuidada.
Algunos análisis de creatina comercial han registrado altos niveles de otros contaminantes. Además de los mencionados anteriormente, los suplementos dietéticos en general a veces contienen esteroides, drogas recreativas y otras sustancias prohibidas, introducidas deliberadamente o por accidente. Por lo tanto, es importante prestar atención al logotipo Creapure® en el embalaje, ya que esto garantiza que estás comprando la creatina monohidrato mejor y más pura, ¡fabricada en Alemania!
Our quality

Creapure® is the purest form of creatine on the market. Creapure® is 100 % made in our dedicated facility in Germany. Not all creatine is created equal. Products made elsewhere do not compare in quality.

Creapure® ensures a continuous high quality level and every lot is analytically controlled before being shipped. Creapure® is the only creatine produced in the western hemisphere and therefore continuously produced under strict German and European standards.

All steps of the manufacturing process are continually monitored and well documented, resulting in consistent, reliable and unsurpassed quality.
Our process

Creapure® is manufactured in a certified GMP plant that was specifically built for the production of creatine. It sets the highest standards in terms of quality, purity and safety. The production of Creapure® is FSSC 22000, a quality standard recognized by the “Food Safety System Certification”.

There are several ways to manufacture creatine. We utilize the best and safest method of production to minimize the risk of undesirable by-products. Due to our production process, it is impossible that Creapure® is contaminated with the harmful DHT (Dihydrotriazine).
Materials used for Creapure® production are not of animal origin. Therefore, Creapure® is vegetarian and vegan friendly. For more information please see analytical results.
The basic raw materials used to make Creapure® are manufactured in-house and strictly monitored by Alzchem Trostberg GmbH.
Analytical results
We tested creatine products from all around the world. The analyses* of all the samples showed that Creapure® is the purest source of creatine. Regulators have been stepping up their oversight of nutrition ingredients, particularly in regards to impurities. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) recommends that a creatine product should not exceed:
- DCD levels of 50 mg/kg
- DHT levels of 3 mg/kg
The graph shows the average results from 9 different Creapure® creatine monohydrate products and 20 different generic creatine monohydrate products. The average amounts of DCD and DHT found in generic creatine products significantly exceeded the levels recommended by the EFSA. It is important to note that DHT-related compounds are suspected to cause cancer.
*according to analyses 01 / 2019

For more Informations klick here Creapure - Premium Creatine made in Germany